Friday, April 29, 2016

I saw a billboard on my way home from work today and it really made me sad.   A little over a year ago, before my health & fitness journey started, I would not have thought twice about the billboard.   It was a new McDonald's billboard.  I pass by their advertisement everyday coming home from work and they recently changed it out to PROUDLY ANNOUNCE their newest, bigger, better Big Mac.   My first thought was...this is the last thing this nation needs...a BIGGER Big Mac! 

What made me sad was knowing how hard it has been for me personally to lose weight and continue on this weightloss journey.   Also, knowing how many other people out there struggle with their weight just like I do!   For those of us who battle this daily, the last thing we need to be introduced to is a BIGGER Big Mac.   The sign says they are testing it here in the TEXAS market.  Well, YEE HAW!   We should be so proud to be able to test it here in our own backyard.  <sarcastically speaking of course>

A huge problem we face here in America today is obesity.  It is real.  It is not going away.  It is only getting worse!   I found a study from 2014, that states Texas was ranked the 11th highest adult obesity rate in our nation and ranked 10th highest obesity rate in 10-17 year olds in the nation.  (study found on  This is alarming, is it not?  Another article I recently read stated that in 2015 1 in 5 deaths were obesity related?   This should be a wake-up call for many of us!

I am not saying it is easy, because it is not...but I am saying this needs to be a priority for all of us - to live a healthier lifestyle, make healthier choices and simply try to avoid being one of those statistics.   Trust me, this is the HARDEST thing I have ever done in my life...deciding to live healthier and then ACTUALLY doing it.   I have never faced more temptation, aggrevation, frustration and anger in my 45 years of life than I have during my weight loss journey.  Despite all of the has been the BEST decision I have ever made.  I have found out things about myself that I never knew before now.  I have not only learned how to live a healthier lifestyle, but I'm also learning how to love myself.   I have grown more on the inside than what you see on the outside!  I have improved myself not only physically but also spiritually, emotionally and mentally.   This past year I have cried, laughed, yelled and actually said a few curse words as well...but I keep going, keep growing, keep learning to live life by MY design.   This is a process.  This does not happen overnight.  

I am currently helping many others stay accountable during their weight loss journey and I would love to help you, too!    Whatever you do, please avoid this new BIGGER Big Mac and let me know if I can help you reach your goals, live a healthier lifestyle, set a great example for your children, your loved ones and live YOUR life by design!     


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